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Financial Data

Per Share Indicators

Download of Financial Data

Net Income Per Share

  • Net Income Per Share

Net Assets Per Share

  • Net Assets Per Share

Cash Dividends Per Share

  • Cash Dividends Per Share

Per Share Indicators (Yen)

Net income per share---basic -82.35 961.28 1,349.01 369.40 242.30
Net assets per share 1,289.72 2,299.49 3,517.30 3,883.46 5,639.82
Cash dividends per share   17 80 90 90 110
Payout Ratio - 8.3% 6.7% 24.4% 45.4%

*1 income per share=Profit attributable to owners of parent÷Average number of shares
*2 Net assets per share=Net assets÷Number of issued and outstanding shares at the end of fiscal year
*3 Payout Ratio=Cash dividends per share÷Net income per share×100

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