Management Policy
IR Policy
Purposes of Investor Relations and Basic Policy
MegaChips bases investor relations activities on the principles of fairness, timeliness, accuracy and continuity. We provide information about strategies, finances and other items in order to increase the transparency of our operations. To earn the trust of shareholders, investors and securities analysts and receive a proper evaluation, senior management frequently participates in investor relations activities.
Disclosure Rules
MegaChips discloses information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, Company Law and other laws and regulations (“laws and regulations” hereafter) and the Rules for Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where MegaChips shares are listed. Furthermore, even when not required by laws and regulations or disclosure standards in timely disclosure rules, we aggressively provide information that we believe has an effect on investment decisions by shareholders, investors and securities analysts and other information that we believe is useful to gain a better understanding of MegaChips.
Disclosure Method
MegaChips distributes information using the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with timely disclosure rules. This includes information covered by the disclosure standards of the timely disclosure rules as well as information that we believe has an effect on investment decisions by shareholders, investors and securities analysts. In addition, we quickly post this information on the company Website.
We also provide other information that we believe is useful to gain a better understanding of MegaChips by issuing IR publications or news releases and posting this information on the company Website.
Forward-looking Statements
The information MegaChips discloses may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the judgments of management based on information available when the information was disclosed and thus embody uncertainties and risks (“risks” hereafter). Readers are cautioned to remember that actual results and other developments may differ from these forecasts for a number of reasons. Please refer to the “Cautionary Statement on Risks” section for more information.
Investment Decisions
MegaChips discloses information for the purpose of giving people a better understanding of the company and not for the purpose of soliciting investments in securities issued by the company. Investors are asked to reach investment decisions on their own.
Provision of Third-party Information about MegaChips
Parties other than MegaChips, including securities analysts, the media and a variety of Internet information sites, announce information and forecasts about MegaChips. MegaChips is not in a position to comment on this information or express its support. However, if there is an obvious mistake in this third-party information that could cause a loss of trust in the company or prevent the company from receiving an appropriate evaluation, a correction will be announced and the proper information released.
IR “Quiet Period”
To prevent leaks of information about earnings releases that could affect its stock price as well as to ensure fairness, MegaChips observes a “quiet period” during the five business days prior to the earnings announcement for each quarter. During this period, the company will not make any comments involving financial performance. However, information covered by laws and regulations and timely disclosure rules will be disclosed even during this “quiet period” and management will respond to inquiries about this information.
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