Management Policy
Corporate Governance
As of June 21, 2024
Understanding that sustainable growth requires us to have the confidence of our stakeholders, we are striving to establish a transparent corporate governance structure to maintain sound corporate management.
Our Basic View
We place considerable importance on the legal compliance, timely disclosure of significant information, development of high-quality products that make full use of our original technology, thorough quality control, and environmental protection, and other social responsibilities to sincerely respond to the expectations of society with original high-tech technology and earn the trust of society as the management and all employees recognize that it will lead to the continuous growth of MegaChips Group.
Governance Structure
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of ten directors elected at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, four of whom are outside directors* to ensure objectivity and transparency in management.
The Board of Directors is positioned as a supervisory body for decision-making of business strategies and business execution and stipulates the term of office of directors to be one year in the Articles of Incorporation in order to quickly respond to changes in the business environment.
In addition, we have introduced an executive officer system in order to revitalize the Board of Directors by separating the decision-making and supervision from business execution.
Auditors and the Board of Auditors
The Company has a Board of Auditors. Three* of the Company's four Auditors appointed at General Meetings of Shareholders are outside auditors and we emphasize the independence of auditors from directors.
Each Auditor audits to determine whether or not the Board of Directors makes decisions on basic management policies and important matters for the Company and executes operations appropriately.
The Board of Auditors monitors the compliance of executed tasks with laws, the Articles of Incorporation and internal regulations and determines their legality. Each of the Auditors decides on the division of roles through discussions, and conducts audits from a professional perspective, with their respective roles covering areas including legal and intellectual property, financial accounting and taxation, and general management.
*No Outside Directors nor Outside Auditors have been employed by the Company prior to their current appointments. The Company has no personnel, financial, technical, trade or any other relationship with any company for which any Outside Directors or Outside Auditors, or any of their close relatives has served as an officer or an employee over the last ten years.
Corporate Governance Structure
Internal Control System
MegaChips has developed and operates an internal control system based on the “MegaChips Basic Policy on Internal Control System” determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors periodically checks and monitors the operational status of the internal control system. In the execution of business, we are moving forward with management that emphasizes corporate governance by thoroughly developing and implementing internal rules and enhancing the internal audit system.
The President and CEO is responsible for the development, operation and supervision of the internal control system based on the “MegaChips Basic Policy on Internal Control System” and reports to stakeholders in accordance with legal requirements.
We strive to ensure the appropriateness of its operations by applying its internal control system to the entire MegaChips Group, including its subsidiaries. Each subsidiary periodically reports to the Company on the status of its business execution, financial conditions, and the like, and the Company's Board of Directors and Management Meeting confirm the appropriateness of the business operations. In addition, the Internal Auditing Dept. conducts operational audits on a regular basis and strives to identify compliance issues and problems from the perspective of business efficiency.
In accordance with the internal control reporting system based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Company evaluates the developmental and operational condition of the internal control system and reports to the President and CEO and when necessary, recommends operational improvements to those responsible for each operation.
In the FY2023, the Company has received from its Accounting Auditors with an unqualified opinion for the same fiscal year.
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